
Friday, September 7, 2012

How to Add Space around an Amazon Iframe with HTML

I learnt today how to add space around my Amazon iframes so that the text wouldn't stick right on my iframe. It's easy. I actually found the solution in the comments section of AdvancedHTML.

How to
Insert float:right; padding: 0 0 0 15px  to the end of the HTML that defines the iframe style.
Within the iframe code, it would look like: style= height: 240px; width: 120px.

Before and After
That's it!

xo Gracie 

p.s. It would be AWESOME if you could click on any ad here - my sponsors give me a few cents per click. Thanks for supporting my blog!


  1. I was experimenting with a few methods with lackluster results, so imagine my pleasure at finding your post and getting my Amazon iFrame to sit just right!

    Thanks muchly!

    1. Hey Web Devly thanks for your comment and so glad you found my blog post helpful! :)


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